For those whom the consignment program does not work for the Surrender to Store option is another option. Some people want not to wait and not to go through the process of adoption. We have accepted many surrenders to the store which also greatly reduces the stress on shelters and rescues in the area. There are a lot of responsibilities on our end when we accept these birds to our facility but we do it as an opportunity to make a safe haven for birds in need. Programs like this are not free for us to run so your support of this company is largely how we are able to do it.
We do get times where we get over run with requests for rehoming. We may not take every bird offered, so please contact us to learn more. Budgie species are mass-produced by large mills which causes a large volume of them to be rehomed. We try to help but do require a minimum donation of $25 per bird that is being surrendered to help offset the month of care expense for budgie surrenders.